Monday, April 3, 2017

Wentworth Descendant Of Prince Lorje Page 1

Name: Lorje C Salamonski
DOB: 03/31/1987
Birth Location: Biddeford Maine, 04064, USA
Coat Of Arms Slogan: En Dieu Est Tout!
Status Of Political Party: Royal And Noble
Type Of Royalty: Constitutional
DNA More Likely From: Great Britain
Descendant From: Benning Wentworth,John Wentworth William Wentworth ,King George (ALL), King Arthur, King Henry (ALL)
Queen Victoria, Prince Philips, Princess Diana, Whom Ever Lorje Is Related To His Descendants
Role As Royalty: Prince
Family Owned Castle/Or Palace: Wentworth Castle
Town/Or City Place Of Castle Or Palace: Yorkshire, Barnsley 
Country Of Origin For Castle Or Palace: Great Britain
Origins Of Coat Of Arms: Great Britain
Countries Lived/Living In: United States Of America
Address Lived In The United States: 18 Wentworth Street, Biddeford Maine, 9 Brentwood Circle Saco Maine, 13 Hazel Street Biddeford Maine, 123 Hill Street Biddeford Maine, 235 Hill Street Biddeford Maine, 23 High Street Biddeford Maine, 24 Maple Street Saco Maine, 76 Temple Street Saco Maine, 551 Hollis Road Hollis Center Maine, 37 Chestnut Street Old Orchard Beach Maine.
Countries Visited In Lifetime: Iceland, Ireland, England, Netherlands, Belgium, France
Cities Of Visited Countries Visited: Reykjavik (Iceland) Dublin (Ireland) Dan Haag, Rotterdam And Amsterdam (Netherlands) Brussels (Belgium) Paris (France)
Continental Visits: Europe
Continental From: United States Of America
National Background: Western European, Great Britain, Irish, Italy, Greece, Scandinavia,
Traced National Background: Eastern European, Iberian Peninsula, Africa North
Genetic Communities Regions: Georgia, Florida, New England

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